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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about eggs.

Are the eggs at the grocery store fresh?

Omelette eggs available at grocery stores across Egypt are fresh.
Most eggs typically arrive at the grocery store within about three days of the time they are laid on farm, stopping only briefly at the grading station before hitting the grocery store shelves.

How long do eggs last past the date on the carton?

Omelette eggs will keep in the refrigerator without significant quality loss for up to 21 to 35 days from the Date stamped on the egg or the pack,
. This date indicates the length of time the eggs will maintain their Grade A quality.
An egg can still be used after the Best Before date, but should be cooked thoroughly (use in baking).
Keep your eggs as fresh as possible by storing them in the main body of the fridge (not on the door) in their original carton

Is it safe to keep eggs on the counter, instead of in the fridge?

In order to keep the eggs their freshest and fresh for longer, they should be stored in the main body of the refrigerator, in their original carton.

How can I tell if my eggs are fresh?

The easiest way to tell if your eggs are fresh is by checking the Date on the pack or the egg itself.
If you drop an egg into water, a fresh egg will sink, while an older egg will float. As an egg ages, the air cell inside increases, which causes it to float.

What is the difference between white eggs and brown eggs?

The only difference between white and brown eggs is the color of the hen that laid them; white hens lay white eggs and brown hens lay brown eggs.
There is no nutritional difference between regular white and brown eggs.

Why do my eggs smell fishy?

Omega-3 eggs can sometimes have a fishy smell, since they are laid by hens that are fed 10-20% more flaxseed, which naturally contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based type of omega-3 fatty acid.
The chemical structure of omega-3 fatty acid is such that it has a distinct smell, which is why fish – which typically have a high omega-3 fatty acid content – smells the way it does.

Are eggs healthy? Are eggs good for me?

Eggs are one of nature’s most nutrient-dense foods. One large egg contains 6 g of the highest quality protein, many vitamins and minerals, and only 70 calories.

What nutrients are in an egg?

The egg yolk provides 3/4 of the calories, all/most of the fat, phosphorous, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, B12 and A, folic acid, pantothenic acid, choline and thiamin, and about half the protein and riboflavin of the whole egg. The rest of the nutrients are found in the white.

Should I limit the number of eggs I eat because of the cholesterol in them?

There is no reason for a healthy, low-risk person to limit their egg consumption.
The cholesterol in eggs is dietary cholesterol, which has little effect on most people’s blood cholesterol. Excess saturated and trans fats are far more concerning than dietary cholesterol.

Is there a chance that an egg I bought is fertilized? Could a baby chick hatch from one of my eggs?

Absolutely not!
Just like humans, both a rooster (boy) and hen (girl) are required to create a baby chick. That’s why egg farmers only raise hens, to eliminate the risk of fertilization.


That’s a sign of an overcooked egg. High, prolonged heat causes the sulfur from the egg white and the iron from the
yolk to have a reaction which forms a grayish green ring around the yolk. It is harmless and perfectly safe to eat, but not very attractive.


The standard for recipes are large eggs. In case you don’t have the right size here are some egg conversions for you:
Egg Conversions Based on Large Eggs
Whole Eggs
3 whole eggs = 1/2 cup
1 whole egg = 3 tablespoons
1/2 whole egg = 4 teaspoons
6 to 7 egg yolks = 1/2 cup
1 egg yolk = 1 tablespoon
4 to 6 egg whites = 1/2 cup
1 egg white = 2 tablespoons
Dried or Powdered Eggs
1 egg = 2 tablespoons egg powder + 2 tablespoons warm water
Liquid Egg Substitute
1 egg = 1/4 cup egg substitute
2 eggs = 1/2 cup egg substitute
4 eggs = 1 cup egg substitute

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